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Showing posts from August, 2016

The Misshaped Balloon of American Politics

This morning I read an excellent article by Peter Beinart in The Atlantic about conservative intellectuals who support Trump.  In it, he quotes WSJ columnist Peggy Noonan:  "There's a kind of soft French Revolution going on in America, with the angry and blocked beginning to push hard against an oblivious elite."  The quote calls to mind images of angry white people at Trump rallies and the Republican National Convention screaming for America to be "great again."  But it also calls to mind Bernie Sanders supporters protesting for radical change in American politics, change that would bring about greater equality through a form of socialism that the failed candidate represents. That one candidate failed, and the other is behind in the polls, does not change the fact that something significant is happening at the extremes of the two traditional parties. We live in a time of relative peace and prosperity (emphasis on the word "relative.")  Sure, there