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Showing posts from January, 2016

We'll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet

We all get them - the annual Christmas letters summarizing the writer's past year's highs, lows, and in-betweens.  Often I read them and, I must confess, sometimes I don't.  It depends in part on when I see them.  If I discover them on a weeknight after I get home from work, I'm less likely to read them than if I discover them on a weekend, when I can approach everything more leisurely.  If they are from my wife's friends, I'm less likely to read them than if they are from mine.  If they are long with no pictures, I'm less likely to read them than if they are short with photos. In our early days of personal computers, when our kids were babies, I'd try to use new technology to create high-tech Christmas letters of our own.  Sometimes these creations came out okay, other times not so much, yet I would inflict them on people regardless.  And then there was the year, in the mid-'90s, when I used new software to create multi-media letters on disks whic