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Showing posts from August, 2012

A Call to Greatness

We are a great nation.  We just landed a fully functional rover with pinpoint accuracy inside a crater on Mars.  We won the most medals of any country in the just-concluded summer olympics.  We are capable of much, and we achieve much. We are now embarking on yet another contest for the highest office of the land.  On one side stands the incumbent who rode into office on promises of hope and change, and who has kept about as many promises as his opponents were powerless to prevent.  On the other lurches capitalism's poster child, a very high net worth businessman whose claim to office is his purported ability to fix the economy that was broken during his party's last presidential term.  At the vice presidential level, a seasoned former senator with extensive experience in foreign policy and four years in executive office is pitted against a bright and charismatic young congressman with clear, if controversial, ideas about economic policy but who, like his running mate, lacks