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Showing posts from December, 2012


To quote the Charlie Brown song, "Christmas time is here."  Every year at this time I contemplate the meaning of the holiday that is really two holidays - the religious celebration of Jesus' birth, and the secular celebration of the winter solstice.  As a young man, I often despaired at the commercialism that distracted the world from the "true meaning" of Christmas, and in later years I have come to new understandings of that truth. I also have often distinguished between what I consider "true Christianity" and the distortions of that perceived truth that occur in many religious circles.  In that vernacular, "true Christianity" should reflect the teachings and example of Jesus.  When I look at the Biblical Jesus, I see a person of extraordinary love, wisdom, integrity and faith.  He taught and exemplified compassion, acceptance, mercy, forgiveness, selflessness and inclusivity.  The stories of his birth in a manger, his life among the po