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Showing posts from July, 2016

Defining Greatness

As slogans go, Donald Trump's is pretty good.  Four words that fit on a hat and with which it is hard to argue.  What right-thinking American wouldn't want our country to be great again? Of course, the devil, as always, is in the details.  We can take issue with the word "again," which implies that America is in decline, but the more critical detail is the meaning of "great." Trump offers no definition, just as he offers no specific policies or programs to support his claim that America during a Trump presidency will be great.  We are asked to take his word for it, on blind faith, as he punctuates so many of his statements with the phrase "believe me," the empty mantra and subliminal message of the ultimate con-man. If the unexamined life is not worth living, the unexamined slogan is not worth chanting.  So let's reflect on our nation's history and the events and characteristics that have made it great.  With a sweepingly broad brush, w